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jika senang bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "jika senang"
  • jika:    if; in case; where; would be if; just in case; as
  • senang:    at home in; be quite happy to; comfortable;
  • jika aku senang:    if the fit takes me
  • jika:    if; in case; where; would be if; just in case; as for; when; if and only if
  • senang:    at home in; be quite happy to; comfortable; content; contented; cosy; cozy; easy; fain; have leisure; nice and easy; pleasantly; pleased; simple; taken pleasure in; delight; ecstatic; glad; gratifie
  • jika dan hanya jika:    if and only if
  • bahwa jika:    that if
  • jika ada:    if they were present
  • jika demihan:    if it is so
  • jika demikian:    if it does; if so; in that case; at this/that rate
  • jika dibutuhkan:    as needed
  • jika diperlukan:    when due
  • jika itu:    if that
  • jika kita:    if we
  • jika perlu:    necessary; if need be
  • If happy little bluebirds fly.
    Jika senang Blue Birds sedikit terbang.
  • Individuals of any age and sex will touch each other's mouths, temporal glands, and genitals, particularly during meetings or when excited.
    Individu berusia atau berjenis kelamin apapun akan menyentuh mulut, kelenjar temporal, dan alat kelamin satu sama lain saat sedang bertemu atau jika senang.